More productive – satisfied – engaged

Quick Insight

You can have a standard business plan that provides only for profits or a strategic plan powered by purpose. The latter takes a little more investment of your time and energy, but provides much higher returns.

“The simple, almost embarrassing reality is that we feel too busy to search for meaning. Who has the time and energy to actively pursue a deeper purpose?... Clarifying purpose takes time – quiet, uninterrupted time – which is something that many of us feel we simply do not have. We are forever rushing from one obligation to the next without any larger sense of direction… It may help to think of energy devoted to these issues as an investment with potential to deliver a high return over time – increased energy, fuller engagement, higher productivity, and greater satisfaction” – Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz in The Power of Full Engagement

A waste of time. Fluff. Impractical. That’s how purpose is often seen. For those who see it’s value, it’s still hard to set aside the time to tap it’s power.

Purpose is what focuses our energy and keeps us committed to achieving more. You can have a standard business plan that provides only for profits or a strategic plan powered by purpose. The latter takes a little more investment of your time and energy, but provides much higher returns. 

I wish you “increased energy, fuller engagement, higher productivity, and greater satisfaction.” I wish you well.

- Rob Stephens

Further Insight

CFO Perspective Resources

  • Course: Creating Value - Business Success from Share Value - You get what you value when you provide value to others. Business success comes from creating value for owners, customers, and employees. In this program, you'll identify exactly what each of these three groups value and how to increase that value - and your success.

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