How OKRs and Strategy Fit Together

Quick Insight

Good OKRs flow from a clear strategy. The larger strategy gives context to everyone for where the company is going longer-term. People can then develop OKRs as their steps to achieve that strategy.

Using a flexible planning tool like OKRs allows frequent course corrections for changes in the business environment and rapid changes in products and services. The longer-term vision and mission rarely change, but the tactics to reach them are constantly evolving.

OKRs can't be developed without the context of a company’s strategic plan. The larger strategy gives context to everyone for where the company is going longer-term. People can then develop OKRs as their steps to achieve that larger strategy.

The larger strategy provides criteria to set priorities and assess potential objectives. People can think of many interesting objectives. The objectives worthy of precious time and resources are the ones that best advance the company towards its vision.

I wish you solid strategies and OKRs. I wish you well.

- Rob Stephens
Founder of CFO Perspective and the Finance and Strategy Toolkit (FAST)

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